Formulario de informe de exposición autorizada por la Asociación Estadounidense de Criadores de Phoenix
Solicite sus puntos y los pines Phoenix Meet Junior Showmanship
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete this form for each show, double shows are considered two individual shows which requires two separate report forms. Return this form with your exhibitor's list and coop tags for each Phoenix you've exhibited in the same show. You must return within 30 days of the show. ALL DECEMBER REPORTS MUST BE REPORTED BY DECEMBER 31 WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. If the reports are not in on time either by 30 days or December reports that are not in by the 31st, the report will be lost along with your points for that year. Mail to: APBA Statistical Director, Belinda Cowell at 306 63rd Street, South Haven, Michigan 49090 Scanned copies and pictures are accepted via email at: (try not to put add too many cards in one picture)
BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2023, Points will not be awarded for Non-Sanctioned Shows. Refer to the Exhibitors Point System for current rules.
A non-sanctioned show - is a show that is not affiliated with the American Poultry Association or the American Bantam Association.
You can ask the Show Superintendent, or check with the APA the ABA and the Poultry Show Central also keeps a current list of sanctioned shows
PHOENIX MEET SHOWMANSHIP PINS: All Juniors must turn in their Report Forms to receive their Showmanship Pin. The Junior Showmanship Pins are only awarded when you participate in a Showmanship class at a Phoenix Meet. Rules are printed on page 5 of the Exhibition Point Rules